This is where my numbers fall on that chart.
The chart is nice but didn't tell me much about where I stack up against other racers in the CP4 classification. Craig, from US Para, emailed me back this morning and said that my endurance numbers look good but I need to be pushing about about 4.5 W/Kg in order to be competitve on the road internationally. I also need to be at that level to begin to have enough motor for the Pursuit. So in terms of numbers, I need to take my 20 minute power from 255 Watts to 280 Watts or a 10% increase by the time Nationals roll around in July. My 5 second and 1 minute power numbers aren't so rosy, Craig said I should be pushing an extra 2-3 W per Kg to have the speed I'll need on the track. I have a feeling that 5 second power is going to be the hardest for me to push up. I think that raising my 1 minute power will be the direct result of hard, intense racing coupled with a proper peak, whether or not it approaches 620W (10 W/Kg) this season or in some future season remains to be seen.