Thursday, April 30, 2009

I found my fitness!

Yup, 2x20 min. I started out feeling like a rockstar and pushing too hard: having forgotten the lessons of the powermeter, I rolled with it for a few minutes. I then settled into a reasonable pace, but felt the pain of my bad decision towards the end. I ended with 264W, still not anything to be ashamed of.

Interval #2 was a different story, I started out at what I thought was a reasonable pace but it quickly turned into 20 minutes of torture. I thought about bailing halfway through, but that little voice in my head kept reminding me that nationals is only 8 weeks away and I can't wimp out. I also remembered how much fun it is to be fast, so I put my head down and pushed through. 244W, so that's the hole in my fitness. My FTP slid, and that explains my not feeling as fast or not feeling I can last in a break as I have earlier in the season. Now that I found it I can get it back!

The moral of the story is to do your LT work kids! And then drink chocolate milk, because it tastes good and is great for recovery.

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