Friday, August 28, 2009

Live From Sunny Colorado

It's about 7:30AM and a half hour prior to my normal wake up time here.  I fight tooth and nail for every minute of slumber but it wasn't to be any more today, so I decided to write a little entry before I eat breakfast.

Life here is odd.  I lose track of time and days because each one just flows into the next.  The only differences are what workout we are doing and where it will be.  The other odd thing to me is that the staff is here for me and the other athletes.  I'm not used to this where another person's job is to make my life as easy as possible when I'm not on the bike.

As for the riding.  I am here tagging along with the road team as they prep for Worlds.  Seeing how it is a prep camp, our coach is building them to a peak.  On the other hand, he is just beating the snot out me to figure out what I can do and where my breaking point is.  One of the unique things about riding here is my role in the group.  At home, I find myself doing a lot of rides with people stronger than myself and I am just along for the ride.  But here with the other gimpys I am doing a lot of work pulling because I can.  My time here has beeen productive, I'm learning a lot and really learning about myself.

I haven't been on the track much, but the session I did get out there with the coach was productive.  After putting me through some efforts we discussed Worlds and some possible times he thinks I am capable of.  I'd be happy with a time in the range he was talking about, so it was good.

I'l be back in Columbia Sept. 2 for about 3 weeks building up to track prep camp.  I will be riding a lot and would love some company, so if you want to ride please let me know!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'm tired. My consistent riding over the past three weeks has finally chased me down. I was starting to feel it Thursday and it really hit this morning. I took the same pulls I take with the fast group, but they hurt more. After the ride I was a total zombie and recovery has been slow.
I'm taking a bit of rest, not riding tomorrow.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


For whatever reason I feel that I have been more consistent with my training in the past 3 weeks than I ever have before.  That includes my time in San Diego.  I was doing my prescribed workouts out there, but I think I may be doing them better here.  I wake up, look at my schedule, and get on the bike.  

Turning the pedals over is becoming a very natural feeling.  I feel like I'm getting faster and that just makes it fun!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just an update

I haven't been posting much because there hasn't been much to say.  I wake up, I eat, I ride, I eat, I nap, I eat, sometimes I ride again, I eat.  There is a trend.  I am eating a lot.  I'm trying not to lose weight and I would be ok if I gained a little bit since I don't have to climb any mountains at Worlds.  

I am packing up and heading on my next adventure soon.  I'll be at the Olympic Training Center as a member of the national team starting Tuesday and will be there for 3 weeks.  I'll be training with the coach of the national team and the other members of the track team.  I will be logging some quality time on the track and will have full access to the cafeteria.  When I say cafeteria, I'm sure you are thinking nasty thoughts of highschool, but those would be the wrong thoughts.  The OTC cafeteria was designed in heaven and delivered to earth on the wings of cherubs, true story.  In seriousness, it is great and has a ton of healthy, tasty options.  

I think we will be getting our team kits and skinsuits which I am super stoked about!  It's little stuff like that really make this experience fun.  

The Road Team will be coming in after track camp to prep for Road Worlds and I will be tagging along.  I'm not on the road squad but I think it will be good for me to spend as much time in Colorado with the coach, Craig, as I can.  

I guess that's about it.