Monday, November 3, 2008

2009 Has Begun

The training for the '09 season has started. My weekend training was eventful. I went to Harbison Forest to do some mountain biking Sunday. The sun was shining, the temperature pleasant, a perfect day to ride. I proceeded to break my chain 3 or 4 miles from the trail-head. SWEET, I got to walk the bike back to my car. I got home and decided a road ride was in order since my mtb ride was cut short. I ended up riding 2 hours. All but the last 2 miles were done in the 42/14. I have bent my 52 so I will be in the 42 until I replace the chainring. I'm riding the single gear to build some leg strength over the hills.
I also did some spin outs. I hit 162 rpms which makes for a new cadence pr and maxed my speed at 35.6 on that drill.
After my ride I had to split some firewood for the wood stove. Count it as core strength and power?

Rowing warmup.

3 reps
4 sets
Limited by grip strength here.

Reverse Hypers 60lbs


Melissa Urban said...

Splitting wood is hard work and very, very fun. Totally counts as met-con AND a core strength workout. I split a bunch of wood last month for a bonfire we had. It made me feel totally bad-ass.

the get in shape dude said...

good luck with your training for 2009!

maybe breaking your chain on the first day of training is a sign of good luck?

Aaron Trent said...

Maybe breaking a chain points to some newfound chain snapping power. I like it.