Thursday, January 15, 2009


I went out to the the crit course for some 20 minute intervals at "5% under Threshold HR". That's easier said. Rich was out there as well and asked to sit on and I proceeded to feel slow since I've seen his wattage numbers. It's one of those walk before you run things. edit: I looked at Rich's power file from sitting on my wheel and the speed was higher than on my computer. The power numbers showed that I was pushing too hard up the front stretch and too easy down the back.
So I went out a little hot the first go around (WHAT!? Aaron go out too hot? Never!) and averaged 175bpm, or about 97% of Threshold. With only 3 minutes of recovery I wasn't able to flush my legs and ended up stuck in the 160s for HR.
It's supposed to be COLD this weekend.

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