Sunday, March 29, 2009

Long, Fast, and Wet

If you had told me in December that I would do 110 miles at 21.1 mph with 3000 feet of elevation gain I would have given you a blank stare.

I met a few others at Ladd's house yesterday bright and early, and set out to meet another group. (Sorry for taking too long Ladd) It was a lively ride with everyone taking strong pulls. I took a few pulls that I felt good about, but did not go overboard. I was really impressed by Gordon's pulls, it was like riding with the energizer bunny. I kept wondering why he's still a Cat4.

Around mile 85 miles in we came to a few "climbs", as Ladd called them. They were steep, 500m, big ring, power hills. I responded to the first 2 attacks and then fell off a little bit coming to the regroup point. Ouch, those hurt!

The last hour was pure misery, we rode in the driving rain just trying to get home. It was made worse by Rich getting crashed. It sucks to end a good ride in that way.

The PowerTap took on some water about 2 hours in and the current wattage reading started bouncing around like a pinball, so I'm not 100% sure about my data. I tried zeroing it with no luck. In the last hour it stopped reading anything and it only has 103 miles of data. I'm going to seal it up so I can ride in the rain. The data I do have shows an Avg Wattage of 169W and 2961kJ. I'm proud to have seen my first 3000kJ day!

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