Sunday, March 1, 2009

Greenville Spring Series #4

Cold temps and rain caused the race to be called off. The flier says "rain or shine". So Evan and I bundled up and headed to Donaldson Center unaware of the cancellation. The only real thing to say here is that while Embrocation (icyhot without the icy) is wonderful for cold racing, it is terrible if the only thing you are doing is sitting in a toasty car for 45 minutes.


Anonymous said...

well hope you guys have a safe trip back home as the roads are pretty dang icy, but im loving this weather.

MM said...

I hope you put it on your legs AFTER you put on your bibs...learned that one the hard way...

Are you interested in some

Aaron Trent said...

I put it on before I put on my tights but I got lucky this time.

I may be interested in the wheels if I have the cash.