Monday, December 22, 2008

The People You Will Meet

This is a funny story that is somewhat related to bikes and mostly just about the incredibly small size of the world.
The story starts back in August or September at the beginning of the semester and right before the Paralympic Games. I'm sitting in a computer lab at school reading Ron William's (2 time Paralympian) blog when the girl next to me says, "how do you know Ron Williams?" So I told her that we met at Para-Nationals. Taylor and I talked for a while and ran into each other in the lab throughout the semester.
Fast Forward to Saturday, a few new faces on the ride and 2 of them were a couple (Cleve and Jackie) that recently moved to Columbia. Yesterday, Taylor wrote on my facebook wall and told me that I rode with her sister and brother-in-law.

It is just really crazy how small this bicycle world is. You meet someone at a race in Denver, and you ride with someone they know in Columbia. Oh yeah, and there's rumor that Cleve is a Cat(really little number) so there's another Cat(really little number) around town to rip my legs off, sweet!

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